Yeah we emailed early last week because of the long trip we took to El Estor. I had to get back to our area that same day which is like 5 hours away.
I actually have felt relief with my head and all my stress. It got pretty bad, but now I am doing so much better. Thank you all so much for your prayers. Last change was a long one, but it wasn’t that bad, it was just stressful.
Oh and remember how I said no changes? Ha well about 5 hours after that I got a change. I left on Tuesday morning to come here to Tanchi! So I have been in a trio for this last week with Elder Legua and Elder Lainez.
Legua goes home with Turek and all them. So I am now going to be here with Elder Maxwell Lainez. He is from Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He knows English pretty dang well! Another crazy thing with changes is that the zones of Polochik and Senahú are going to be combined! So there are going to be a lot of changes happening with those areas. Crazy!
I am now in the zone Cobán and the area of Tanchi. It’s where Schone was for 9 months! There is more Q'eqchi' here than there is in Tucuru so I am really happy about that. And being near Cobán means better food! It is really cold here though. I wear a hoodie every day to study. It’s funny though. I am super used to the heat I guess because I am freezing to death and it is always around 70 degrees here! But I still feel like I am going to freeze over! But you can see your breath at night, so I guess it still is fairly cold even though it gets to like 60 to 65 at night. It would be rough taking cold showers here but luckily we have hot water!! WHOOPIE!!! It’s been a super long time since I’ve had hot water . . . ever since I left the Capital forever ago! But the crazy thing with our water is that it is rain water. So if it doesn’t rain a lot, we don’t have water! Good thing we are in the rainy season and it has rained every single day! So I don’t think we will have too many water problems. The members here are really great too! Members left with us to teach 3 times last week! That is 3 more times than I had in all my 6 months in Santo Domingo. It’s really good. I feel that we are going to be able to find success here. I really like it and am grateful to be able to work in this area.
Yeah I am thinking that I could train next change, so we shall see if I get Tanner's MTC comp.
That’s sweet about Aubriel’s engagement and Mandie’s wedding. Will I be getting their invitations too? I hope so. Seeing Nick Roberts' invite was sweet. I didnt know who he got married to. But when I got the invitation I thought it was neat, because I remembered they had dated before he left.
That’s sick about the NBA Finals! I hope James, Wade, and Bosh can pull it off!
Yeah I definitely know that trials are for our benefit, it helps us grow and become better, always. And then the Lord still blesses us with more, its amazing how good God is to us all, that even through all the hard times, we receive blessings that outweigh the trial by so much!!!
Tons of missionaries are going home this change. 26 I think! Crazy right?! I think we just got like 33 new ones though to make up for it! And no I don’t know when the President Torres leaves, but since you said the new President comes on the 26th, then I would guess the 27th. They only have 3 hours to talk to each other and then that’s it! Well that’s all I have for you guys for today, but have a fantastic week!
Love you!
Keep the Faith
Stay Strong
Love Elder Jordan Smith, aj Q'anjorin
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