Whats up Home Dogs!!??
Yeah, time has been flying by! Its crazy! This change is almost over and I can't speak a lick of Q'eqchi'!!! Well, that's a lie I guess. I can give my testimony and I can contact people, kind of. But I'm getting better! It's pretty hard stuff. But yes, the time is just running away!! I hit 10 months this week! It blows my mind! It feels like yesterday that I was in the MTC and CCM! Super crazy!
Yes, it is a huge blessing in our lives to have the gospel from our youth. It just amazed me that one of your little sunbeam kids in church knows how prophets worked in the Old Testament and in the Latter Days, yet adult members, or even pastors from other churches don't understand or refuse to understand that vital part of the Gospel. We are truly blessed to be able to have so much knowledge of the workings of our Father in Heaven!
All I can say about the language is this, it is REALLY HARD!!! Its really interesting though as well. We were all talking with Elder Larsen the other day and he said he was reading the bible and he saw a translation word in the footnotes from the Hebrew bible. I can't remember what the word was but he said that the Hebrew word is exactly the same as the Q'eqchi word. The same meaning and everything, only a slight pronunciation difference. It just gives me a further testimony of the Book of Mormon! That somehow native people in the Americas speak a language really similar to that of ancient Hebrew which was spoken on a different continent!
This language is really complicated and there aren't really any patterns that I can follow to be able to learn it like Spanish has. So it is really tough. But I will get it sooner or later, hopefully! I just have to keep studying super hard!(Note from Mom: Just a few things I observed and loved about this picture: 1 - The face is such "typical Jordan." Cracks me up just looking at it. 2 - Wondering how he climbed up on this "stump." 3 - Zoom in to see the evidence of hard work all over his shoes! 4 - I think you can see the large white rectangle in the distance which is the church where he lives.)
So this past week not too much happened! We still haven't found too much success here. We are hoping and praying to find a good investigator soon. We have one pretty good investigator though, his name is Fransisco. He is 16 or 17 and his older brother is a member. We just have to teach him a little bit more to see what happens. He did go to church though! Which was super awesome! Our first investigator in church this whole change!!! So we will see how it goes with him. I think we will be able to baptize him. He is a super awesome kid.
We finally got our new beds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy. I sleep good now, well almost, but its sooooooo much better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We ate lunch at the amazing huge waterfall that I sent pictures of when we were working way up there one day. That was super legit!
We also were able to see the Christmas Devotional by the First presidency yesterday, IN ENGLISH! So that was super good. President Uchtdorf gave an amazing talk, like always, well so did President Eyring and President Monson, but his stood out to me. So we stayed the night over at Elder Turek and his comp's house because we watched it in their area.
Well I really wish I had super exciting news to tell you or some really cool stories, but nothing has really happened. We are just working hard trying to find the chosen ones. It is just really hard here. At least I have a super awesome comp, or I would probably be super depressed. But everything is going well and I am almost healthy, only a little cold, no biggie! I hope you all have a great week and I love you!
Stay Strong
Keep the Faith
Nekexinra [I love you (plural)]
Elder Jordan Smith
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